The Jesus Challenge
The Jesus Challenge is a 40 day Bible Study that focuses on the life of Jesus. It can be done during Lent or any other time of the year. There is an elementary and younger child version. The younger child version focuses on more pictures and drawing. The elementary version focuses more on written word. (I typically use the elementary version for grades 4th to 6th.)
Click here to download the Jesus Challenge for Younger Children PDF
Click here to download the Jesus Challenge for Elementary Students PDF
The Story of Jesus in Easter Eggs
The Story of Jesus told in Easter Eggs is what I use in church on Easter Morning. I create a bag of eggs with the following book for children to work on during the service. This could be used at anytime to help children learn about Jesus.
- The Blue Egg- something that represents baby Jesus (sticker)
- The Yellow Egg- Jesus bandaid (Amazon)
- The Purple Egg- Hosanna gummies (Oriental Trading)
- The Red Egg- cross bracelet (candy)
- The White Egg- eraser
- The Pink Egg- empty
- The Orange Egg- bubbles (Oriental Trading)
- The Green Egg- flower bulb/seeds
- The Golden Egg- golden coin (chocolate)
- The Biggest Egg- something with the globe on it
The Christmas Study
The Christmas Study, Our Savior’s Beginning, was written for the month of December. There is an elementary and younger child version available.
Click here to download the Christmas Study for Preschool Students PDF
Click here to download the Christmas Study for Elementary Students PDF