Toddler Gym

Monday Toddler Gym
Toddler Gym meets from 10:00am-11:15am on Monday mornings for children and their caregivers. We encourage caregivers to socialize while they play with their children. This is free! You can register when you arrive.
Our fall dates:
October 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9
Our winter dates:
January 13, 27 (no 20)
February 3, 10, 17, 24
March 3, 10, 17
Toddler Gym is designed for children birth to pre-k. (about age 5)
Each week children play from 10:00-10:15am. An art project is started at 10:20am for children who are interested. Clean up begins at 10:55am so that circle time can begin. Circle Time has repetitious songs and finger plays and a visit from Myrtle the Turtle with monthly thematic activities mixed in. Marching with instruments is the last activity each week.
Come and build relationships with others who have young children!
We follow Hempfield’s weather schedule. If Hempfield has a 2 hour delay or is not in-person because of weather we are closed!